Happy Kids – Happy Horses
A five-day residential life skills horse camp for young people. Students learn to keep themselves safe on and around horses. They experience the games horses play with each other. Their games of respect, boundaries, relationships, leadership and trust are all great metaphors for life. Participants gain confidence with others and a better attitude towards themselves whilst building relationships, self esteem and stimulating their leadership skills and lateral thinking. No previous experience with horses required
2017 dates:
Term 1
- 17 - 21 April
- 24 - 28 April
Term 2
- 10 - 14 July
- 17 - 21 July
Term 3
- 2 - 6 October
- 9 - 13 October
Provides interactive experiences with horses to bridge the gap in the lives of youth missing a sense of self, belonging, and place. Well-designed for youth at-risk groups and referrals. Works as prevention, intervention, or diversion. Horses and facilitators create experiences where participants learn to feel connected to others through practicing caring and appropriate behaviours.
Ground-based natural horsemanship activities and equine assisted learning in the round pen and arena are emphasised.
Run With The Herd
Structured to bring adventure-based experiences with horses that teach the positive value of the individual as a positive member of the herd. Geared to young offender programmes and referrals, or any prevention, intervention, or diversion program. Emphasizes interactions with individual horses, smaller bands of horses, and the entire herd. Focuses on finding a personal place of self-worth and a positive place in the herd that relates to life outside the arena.
Participants learn to practice mindfulness, build self awareness regarding choices, and contribute to healthy alternatives for themselves, their group, and the herd.
We tailor our programmes to your group requirements and size. Contact us for a personalised quotation and your preferred dates.
Please also view our programmes designed for Individuals/Families and Retreats.
EPF Programmes
- Retreats
- Individuals and Families
- Youth
Get In Touch
Dune Lakes Lodge
470 Wilson Road
South Head
Auckland 0874
Phone: +64 9 420 2040
“When my teenage son returned from horse camp, immediately I could see that he was stronger in himself, more confidently relaxed and well grounded. What more could a mum ask for!”
-Cara Elliot
“This is the only activity I do with the boys that commands their instant respect. They stay focused for hours. The experience profoundly effects their ability to make good choices in their lives.”
-Dan Walters – MYND Mentor for young offenders
"You are offering such a wonderful gift to the community. Keep up the good work. Bless You all heaps."
-Marie Gordon

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