Take The Reins
Teaching boundaries, building resilience, and re-establishing esteem of those who have witnessed or directly suffered abuse. Ideal for those referred by or participating in domestic violence counselling.
Participants gain personal empowerment through creating the experience of safe space as well as respectful and meaningful relationship with horses. Group participation adds the opportunity to practice and experience mutual support and recognition.
Stable Relationships
Prevention programme to support couples, preserve family unity, and assist in family reunification. Open to all participants including referrals from child and family support organisations. Relationship is key for horses and a priority in their culture. They live as healthy individuals with mutual respect, fair expectations of each other, and loyalty to the herd.
Activities are tailored to guide participants in what they learn with the horses to practicing with each other. A mix of horse sense and horse play.
Functional Families – Horses Know The Way Home
Brings value and recognition to parents and each member of the family, including blended families. Highlights the role parents and other carers, children, and additional family members play in creating beneficial dynamics for the system. Puts established parenting skills into practice during group activities with horses. Horses Know The Way Home.
They will teach participants their role in the family, its importance, and how to respect, trust, and work together to build stronger bonds as the family finds its way home.
Greener Pastures – A Newfound Freedom
Designed for recovering alcoholics and other addicts, and for prevention, intervention, and aftercare referrals. There is nothing quite like seeing a herd of horses galloping across a green, newly opened paddock. Participants will work together as well as on their own in experiences with horses and in nature to internalize ways of experiencing sober wellness and the reasons to maintain it. As much as being with running horses is an adventure, so sobriety is an adventure as well. Highly adaptable to a Twelve Step framework by experienced staff.
Custom Programmes
All of the above programmes can be adapted to meet the needs of specific populations or individual participants. Further, there are equine assisted learning (EAL) curricula known to our staff that are already available and in use internationally.
Sample subject areas for custom programmes are listed below:
- Trauma Recovery – Galloping Home: Horses Making Miracles
- Bullying P.E.A.C.E. Partnering with Equine to Assist the Counselling Experience (approved for K-8 schools by the U.S. state of Maryland)
- Client/Patient Interaction training Harmony with Horses for Social Work and Medical professionals.
We tailor our programmes to your group requirements and size. Contact us for a personalised quotation and your preferred dates.
Please also view our programmes designed for Youth and Retreats.
EPF Programmes
- Retreats
- Individuals and Families
- Youth
Get In Touch
Dune Lakes Lodge
470 Wilson Road
South Head
Auckland 0874
Phone: +64 9 420 2040
“A magical place of healing and transformation. Working with the horses, even as an absolute novice and non-horsey person, can be a path to unexpectedly valuable personal insight and growth. Rosemary is the most compassionate and wise of guides and, if you are open to it, there is a very special alchemy possible between you and the horse that just might change your life.”
-Louise Thompson – Life coach, Yoga Teacher, Writer and Public Speaker
"Who would have thought that a horse could teach me so much!I learned and was able to challenge myself to accept and express my strength. To see this part of my personality as a positive and essential thing. I realised that I have a habit of giving up easily and if I just persevere I can achieve my goals. Finally I learned that reward is a vital part of healthy life and this is something I need in my life."
"I will never be the same again! Thanks so much for sending me across the other side. Rata and I love you for it!"
“I cannot thank you and your wonderful team enough for the powerful learning you facilitated for our students. In thirty years of teaching I can honestly say that this is the most powerful learning outside of the classroom I have ever observed children engage with.”
-Janet Bell – Assistant Princpal West Harbour Primary School

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